San Diego will have saturation patrols in more than 20 communities throughout the County to stop and arrest drunk drivers, according to a San Diego Sheriff’s Department press release.
Encinitas will also be conducting a driving under the influence (DUI) checkpoint on Saturday, February 5th, 2011. The location of this checkpoint has not been released on the San Diego Sheriff’s website or
Fans are encouraged to have a good time without drinking and driving. Authorities are asking everyone to consider the following options when making plans for the Super Bowl:
- Participate in the designated driver program. Make sure you designate a driver to refrain from drinking before the party begins.
- Add a local cab company to your cell phone contact list. If you are drinking, use that cab company’s number.
- Pace yourself and mix in non-alcoholic drinks and food.
- Stop drinking in the third quarter.
- Stop anyone who is impaired from driving.