
In San Diego It’s NOT Illegal To Drink Alcohol And Drive A Vehicle!!

A DUI lawyer in Texas decided to advertise his drunk driving defense firm by putting a message on wristbands that were given out to bar patrons. The message read, “Drinking tonight? Know your rights.” This was followed by the DUI attorney’s telephone number.

Although this upset Mothers Against Drunk Driving, (MADD), the Texas lawyer was correct when he said, “If you are over the age of 21 you can consume alcohol and operate a motor vehicle. You can drive as long as you are not intoxicated.”

This is also the law in California. According to California Vehicle Code Section 23152(a), “It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.”

According to the California Jury Instructions, (CALCRIM), 2110, “A person is under the influence if, as a result of drinking or consuming an alcoholic beverage and or taking a drug, his or her mental or physical abilities are so impaired that he or she is no longer able to drive a vehicle with the caution of a sober person, using ordinary care, under similar circumstances.”

In addition, “The manner in which a person drives is not enough by itself to establish whether the person is or is not under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or a drug or under the combined influence of an alcoholic beverage and a drug. However, it is a factor to be considered, in light of all the surrounding circumstances, in deciding whether the person was under the influence.”

In San Diego and across California, it is not a crime to consume an alcoholic beverage and then drive a car as long as you are not under the influence at the time that you are driving!!

If you are pulled over by law enforcement and then charged with drunk driving, you owe it to yourself to hire an exclusively DUI defense firm to represent your interests with both the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and the court system. Do not delay. You only have ten days from the date of arrest to contact the DMV to request a hearing to challenge the suspension of your driving privileges.

The above blog article is by no means all-inclusive and is not legal advice. Laws may change and may not apply to your case. For the latest information or to get legal advice, speak to a DUI attorney in your area.

If you or someone you know has been charged with DUI, seek to hire a DUI defense attorney who exclusively deals with drunk driving matters. The Law Offices of Susan L. Hartman works to minimize the negative consequences of a DUI arrest. Call 619-260-1122 today or fill out the “Contact Us” form on this page for a free telephone consultation.

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